DOB? 8th of December
Nicknames? Kerks, Tonobo, TK..
Home mountain? Talma glacier
Stance - Goofy or Regular? Goofy
Years Snowboarding? 13
Favorite trick? FS Inverts
Sponsors? ThrityTwo Boots and Outerwear, Rome snowboards, and Ashbury
Favorite trip you went on last year? Hard to name one. Team trips are always great! Love rail trips too, so I have to say a trip when we went to a town called Turku with KBR. We got some super good stuff on film! It was a new town for us. Nobody of us has never been there before to snowboard.We just drove around and found some sick spots. Good trippin'!
How many video parts? List them all? Easily over 10. Latest ones to name: 2032, Postland: Connect the Dots, KBR's King Cobra...
Favorite rider and why? Cant name one
Favorite video part and why? Joe's Child Support part. It's just one of the sickest parts ever! And yeah that part just inspired me to focus more on rails.
Nicknames? Kerks, Tonobo, TK..
Home mountain? Talma glacier
Stance - Goofy or Regular? Goofy
Years Snowboarding? 13
Favorite trick? FS Inverts
Sponsors? ThrityTwo Boots and Outerwear, Rome snowboards, and Ashbury
Favorite trip you went on last year? Hard to name one. Team trips are always great! Love rail trips too, so I have to say a trip when we went to a town called Turku with KBR. We got some super good stuff on film! It was a new town for us. Nobody of us has never been there before to snowboard.We just drove around and found some sick spots. Good trippin'!
How many video parts? List them all? Easily over 10. Latest ones to name: 2032, Postland: Connect the Dots, KBR's King Cobra...
Favorite rider and why? Cant name one
Favorite video part and why? Joe's Child Support part. It's just one of the sickest parts ever! And yeah that part just inspired me to focus more on rails.
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